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I recently dislocated my knee by slipping on water inside a 7-11. I did not need surgery but have pain. What can I do?

FAQsCategory: AccidentsI recently dislocated my knee by slipping on water inside a 7-11. I did not need surgery but have pain. What can I do?
Frekhtman & Associates asked 5 years ago
I recently dislocated my knee by slipping on water inside a 7-11. I didn’t need surgery but have pain. What can I do?

I went into the 7-11 to get a coke and when I walked up front to pay I fell at the end of the aisle and this cause my knee to dislocate. I have been to Physical Therapy and an Orthopedist and have all the medical records. I didn’t need surgery. …

1 Answers
Frekhtman & Associates Staff answered 5 years ago
If you can prove liability, meaning the 7-11 was at fault for your slip and fall then you can recover past and future conscious pain & suffering which is usually the largest portion of a settlement.
In addition you can recover past and future medical expenses, lost wages, and other economic damages.