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Accident Lawyer Provides Winter Storm Safety Tips

Accident Lawyer Provides Winter Storm Safety Tips

As a result of the recent winter storm that took over 20 lives and brought the entire East Cost to a standstill it is worthwhile to review some winter storm safety tips. Now is a good time to reflect on what to do during a winter storm to keep yourself and your car safe. This may not be the last winter storm of 2016!

  1. Listen to Closings: Before venturing out listen to the local news channel to find out about closings. It is important to know if your destination is closed or if the route you plan to travel is impassable. If roads are closed or a state of emergency is issued stay home to stay safe. Postpone your outing for another day. You do not want to be stuck in your car for hours and hours because you didn’t heed the warnings.
  2. Don’t Hesitate to Turn Around: You may start out and the roads aren’t too bad but as you drive the conditions degrade. Although it may seem like you should just persevere on, consider turning around and heading back home. According to the Federal Highway Administration over 1,300 people are killed and over 116,000 are injured on snowy, icy, and slushy roads each year. Sometimes it is wise to return home and stay safe instead of continuing to drive on dangerous roads.
  3. Pack Food and Water: If you absolutely must travel in a snowstorm be sure to bring food, water and any necessary medicine along with you. That way if you get stuck you are just facing an unpleasant situation instead of a life-threatening one.
  4. Shovel Periodically: Shoveling can actually be dangerous. According to a 17 year-long study an average of 11,000 seek medical treatment for shoveling related injuries each year.  In fact, numerous deaths from this blizzard have been blamed on shoveling. If a big storm is approaching consider clearing the snow occasionally during the storm so you are not faced with an insurmountable amount when the storm is over. If you do find a significant amount when you head out, shovel a little and then take a break. Be sure to drink lots of water. If you are not comfortable shoveling consider hiring a snow removal service or ask a neighbor to give you a hand.
  5. Dress Appropriately and Take Breaks:  Be sure to dress appropriately if you plan to go outside. Frostbite and hypothermia are legitimate risks if you are not properly dressed for the weather. Make sure a loved one or neighbor knows you are outside so they can check on you if you don’t return within a reasonable amount of time.

Following the winter safety tips listed above will help keep you and your family healthy and happy for whatever weather occurs this winter. You will also significantly reduce your chance of a car accident. If you do wind up in an unfortunate car accident contact us so we can help you receive the money you deserve allowing you to completely recover.