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Brooklyn Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Riding motorcycles usually comes with a certain degree of risk. While New York law requires that all people who ride bikes wear a helmet, this provides minimal protection in the event of an accident. Fortunately, whenever these accidents are the fault of another driver, the injured biker could seek compensation for their medical bills, lost wages, rehabilitation, and emotional trauma.

A Brooklyn motorcycle accident lawyer could help people who suffer injuries while riding their motorcycles hold the responsible parties liable in civil court. A skilled personal injury lawyer is ready to assess your situation, present the case to the defendant or in court, and negotiate for comprehensive damages.

What Rights do Motorcyclists Have After an Accident?

Many drivers fail to properly acknowledge motorcyclists. It is not uncommon for drivers to not properly yield or signal to people on motorcycles. These behaviors are unlawful since all drivers assume a duty to care for the health of all other people they may encounter on the road whenever they get behind the wheel.

Everyone traveling on the road, including other drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and motorcyclists, shares the same rights and responsibilities, including this duty of care. This means bikers are obligated to drive responsibly around other drivers and have the right to demand compensation for injuries that they suffer in accidents. If a driver is deemed at fault, they are legally liable for all damage they cause.

Determining Fault in Brooklyn

A collision between two motor vehicles is generally the result of at least one party’s negligence. In Brooklyn, there is no such thing as a no-fault accident. Even in collisions where no one is hurt, one driver may technically be at fault. In some cases where one driver receives a citation for speeding, failing to yield, or any other moving violation, the law assumes that they are at fault for the accident.

Other motorcycle accident cases may not be straightforward and require the plaintiff to provide more proof. An attorney could fully investigate every accident using witness statements, accident reconstructions, and site visits to determine the facts of a case and leverage them for a plaintiff’s claim.

A lawyer could also protect victims from pushy insurance companies. In motorcycle accident cases, defendants’ insurance companies may try to convince the biker that they share a large amount of responsibility for the accident since they were on a bike and, thus, are owed a smaller amount of compensation. They may also try to deny the claim entirely.

Consult with a Brooklyn Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Motorcycle accidents can severely impact a person’s health. Even in a minor collision, the force of impact could throw a rider to the ground. High-speed collisions can cause broken bones and dislocated joints.

If you were injured in a bike crash, a Brooklyn motorcycle accident attorney could work to understand the full impact of your accident and push for you to receive fair compensation. An attorney could work toward a successful settlement or if necessary, take your case to trial. Since there is a three-year time window to file a case, talk to an attorney as soon as possible after your accident. Call today for a free consultation.