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How soon will you first try and settle my Personal Injury case?

FAQsCategory: Personal InjuryHow soon will you first try and settle my Personal Injury case?
Frekhtman & Associates Staff asked 5 years ago
How soon will you first try and settle my Personal Injury case?
1 Answers
Frekhtman & Associates Staff answered 5 years ago
While we always make early efforts to settle each claim, we cannot responsibly do so until you have reached a status known as maximum medical improvement (MMI). Until that time, no one can accurately evaluate the full, true value of your case. Since this can take months, patience is crucial during these earlier stages. And daily diligence on our part is equally important.
Once we receive each treating doctor’s final records (clearly detailing all your recent injuries and treatments) – and document all permanent injuries and likely future medical needs — we can move forward in our negotiations. We will fight hard to settle for the maximum compensation available. Our firm never wants any insurance company adjustor – or trial jurors to underestimate the full value of your case.