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New York City Law School Scholarships

Law Scholarship Opportunities from Frekhtman & Associates

Bronx Tenant Rights: How Can Tenant Rights Improve?

Knowing your rights as a renter or tenant is extremely important to protect yourself against personal injuries when renting an apartment in the Bronx, New York. A few years ago, the Housing Stability & Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (HSTPA) was enacted, the most significant expansion of tenant rights in over 15 years. Many tenant rights are also instituted through the Fair Housing Act. However, many renters mistakenly believe that they are at the mercy of their landlords, and that is an unfortunate misconception that New York City landlords often do not try to dispel.

Many tenants go for months without proper heating, have unsafe staircases, or live in apartments that have not been maintained over the years, causing unfortunate situations such as ceiling collapses.

Through personal experience, our team knows that the best way to improve and protect tenants’ rights in the Bronx is to assist individuals in upholding their rights and advocating for legislative changes that instill further protections and institute legal penalties against landlords.

Recognizing the need for more legal advocates for tenants in the Bronx and throughout the United States, we offer a scholarship opportunity for those currently attending or have been accepted into law school.

By investing in the education of aspiring lawyers, our team of Bronx personal injury lawyers hopes to foster a new generation of advocates who are dedicated to ensuring safe and fair housing for all tenants throughout the United States.

$2,500 Tenant Rights Scholarship Essay Requirements

The Tenant’s Rights Scholarship will be essay-based, and the chosen applicant will receive $2,500 for tuition. Applicants must submit an essay between 700 and 1000 words and outline several ways tenant laws in New York City could be improved to protect tenants from unnecessary injuries.

The essay can be centered around health-related injuries due to mold growth, lack of adequate heat, or sustaining injuries due to unsafe living environments such as ceiling collapses or slips and falls. We are looking for thoughtful, innovative ideas or first-hand experiences demonstrating a deep understanding of tenants’ challenges and for our applicants to propose practical yet effective solutions.

This scholarship opportunity was created to inspire and support the next generation of legal advocates who are committed to enhancing tenant protections and ensuring safer living conditions for all, not just in the Bronx but throughout the country.

Other requirements for applying for the Tenant’s Rights Scholarship include:

  • Must be a resident of the United States
  • Must be currently attending Law School in the United States or have been accepted to Law School in the United States
  • Completing the Google form application (this is also where your essay will be submitted) by December 1, 2024