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EP3 S05: What Constitutes Medical Malpractice ? Attorney FAQ Series

Trial Stories Podcast

What is medical malpractice ? An experienced trial lawyer answers your questions [buzzsprout episode='9048689' player='true'] Pick Your Favorite Channel: Apple Podcast | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | RSS Full Transcript: Hi, good afternoon. My name is Arkady Frekhtman and I'm an attorney at the F&A Injury Lawyers here in Brooklyn, New York. I wanted to answer a question that a lot of clients ask, and that is, what constitutes medical malpractice? What is medical negligence, medical malpractice, and how can I, as a client, sue for medical malpractice? Medical malpractice, if we turn to the pattern jury instructions in New York, and this is...

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