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ladder accident Tag

Ladder Safety On Construction Site In New York City Faqs

While multiple factors play a role in construction site ladder accidents, two of the most common ones involve poor placement of the ladder and workers reaching away for tools and materials. However, many workers suffer serious or fatal injuries because their employers provide them with the wrong types of ladders for the tasks being assigned. Construction site employers must provide all workers with proper ladder safety and fall protection training. Although staircase falls are the most numerous each year, the second most frequent type falls off ladders in the workplace. The following information notes critical ways that employers and workers can minimize dangers...

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Three Common Causes of a Fall from a Ladder

NYC construction accident lawyers at F&A Injury Law Firm discuss three common reasons for a fall from a ladder. Compared to cutting tools such as a chainsaw, ladders look harmless enough. However, a fall from a 20 foot ladder on to your side or on to uneven ground can cause serious injury or death. Ladders account for the bulk of all fall injuries treated in U.S. Emergency rooms. The reason for this is their utility and straightforwardness of use. There are few projects or work situations that don't require them, and their simplicity causes workers to take them for granted. Three...

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