The Many Roles of the Personal Injury Lawyer
A personal Injury lawyer has numerous roles, the majority of which align with helping clients receive compensation after being injured in an accident.
The Personal Injury lawyer is available to answer clients’ questions, and to handle all insurance related issues, with a goal toward ultimately recovering full and fair compensation for the client.
His or her job is to make certain that the individual who caused the accident accepts responsibility for it, and that this person or his or her insurance company, covers the client’s losses. This includes compensation for all past and future medical bills that are related to the accident, as well as lost wages, any other related costs. The personal injury lawyer also makes sure that the client is provided with full and fair compensation for any pain, suffering or emotional distress experienced as a result of the accident.
In most cases, the person who was responsible for the accident has some type of insurance coverage. Insurance companies are, in most cases, large corporations who are in business to make profits by collecting premiums and by paying out as little as they can get away with in claims. Therefore, when the customers of these corporations have accidents, it is not unusual for the insurance company to try to deny responsibility or to attempt to minimize the amount of compensation paid.
The personal injury lawyer’s job is to assure that the insurance company is not allowed to take advantage of his or her client, and to get that client complete and fair compensation for his or her injuries and/or losses.
When a new client presents a case to a personal injury lawyer, the legal professional gets busy investigating the accident. In some cases, he or she will photograph the accident scene, conduct interviews with potential witnesses, carefully review any relevant insurance policies, gather any medical records, lost wage information and medical bills. He or she will contact the insurance companies involved and will negotiate on behalf of the client to reach a settlement, or, if necessary, will file a lawsuit. In the case of a lawsuit, the attorney will litigate the case to a conclusion on behalf of his or her client.
If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, and would like to speak to a licensed professional, please contact us to set up an appointment. While we represent clients in many different types of personal injury lawsuits, we specialize in helping those injured in truck or construction accidents, and those clients who have sustained brain injuries.