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EP06 S05: Personal Injury Claim or Lawsuit? Question Adjusters Hate Series

Trial Stories Podcast

Personal Injury Claim or Lawsuit? Question Adjusters Hate Series [buzzsprout episode='9239991' player='true'] Pick Your Favorite Channel: Apple Podcast | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | RSS Full Transcript: Hi, good afternoon. My name is Arkady Frekhtman and I'm an attorney at the F&A Injury Lawyers here in Brooklyn, New York. Today I want to talk about the number one question that insurance adjusters hate. And there are actually a few different ones, but one of the top questions that insurance adjusters absolutely despise is, "What are your complete bodily injury limits?" And in New York, there's actually a law, it's insurance law 3420(f), and...

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Queens Personal Injury Lawyers

Queen Injury lawyer near me

Have You Been Hurt In An Accident? An Injury or Accident in the Borough of Queens, NY? Find out all the local details here from experienced personal injury lawyers who have dedicated their career to helping serious accident victims and their families. Queens is a vibrant borough in New York City.  Queens confirms that New York City is a true melting pot of cultures. In Queens, there are neighborhoods that showcase various cultures. Flushing, Queens has Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, and Vietnamese communities. Little Guyana in Richmond Hill, Queens. Little India in Jackson Heights, Queens. Little Colombia in Jackson Heights, Queens.Little Tibet in Jackson...

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