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burn injury attorney Tag

Burn Injury Lawyers Examine the Facts on Burns Injuries

How Will My Burn Injuries Be Treated

The American Burn Association estimates that 486,000 people seek medical treatment for burns annually. Most burns occur in the home, are caused by a flame or scalding, and have a high survival rate at 96.8%. They are the most painful types of injury and cause disfigurement in severe cases. The Four Types of Burns Burns are categorized by the layers of skin affected: First degree burns. These affect the epidermis, which is the outermost layer of the skin. First degree burns cause redness and swelling of the skin. They take up to a week to heal and usually do not require hospitalization. Second degree...

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New York Burn Injury Lawyer Discusses Avoiding Flammable Phone Batteries, E-Cigarettes, and Hoverboards

During the past year, far too many high-profile and popular products have been in the news because they can suddenly catch fire and seriously injure or even threaten people’s lives explains a New York burn injury lawyer at the F&A accident law firm. They include the Samsung Note 7 Phone, hoverboards, and e-cigarettes. If you still own or use any of these products, stop using them immediately and visit each manufacturer’s website to find out if any replacement products or batteries are now available. While some of these items may still be safe, others can seriously harm you – or...

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Burn Injury Lawyer Discusses Special Needs of Victims

Burn injury degrees lawyer

Handling a defective product, being the victim of an arson fire, and sustaining burns in an auto accident are just some of the ways that you can receive a serious burn injury. Every year in the United States, more than 16,000 people sustain severe burn injuries while more than 3,000 lose their lives due to the aftermath of a fire. As a burn victim, you know that your life will never be the same. You may need physical therapy, reconstructive surgery, and special medical equipment in addition to the doctor and hospital expenses you have already incurred. You may also find...

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