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bus accident attorney nyc Tag

RTS Bus Passengers Seriously Injured in Crash

Passengers who were on an RTS bus suffered from minor injuries after an SUV crashed into the bus. This accident happened at the corner of Plymouth and Allen and happened on Saturday. The Rochester Police Department responded to the area of Plymouth Avenue and Allen Street at around 7 in the morning. They found a dark SUV that had failed to stop and had struck the northbound bus. Multiple people who were passengers on the bus reported having minor injuries. Four people had to be transported to the hospital after the accident. The driver of the SUV fled the scene. The investigation is...

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Update: GPS Did Not Warn bus Driver of Danger of Overpass

This story is an update on the bus crash we reported on earlier this week. The driver of the bus was from out of state. He was driving a charter bus full of high school students when he crashed into an overpass on a Long Island Parkway. He was using a non-commercial GPS device that didn’t let him know about the hazard. The accident was easily preventable, and it left two passengers seriously injured, the police said. State police Major David Candelaria said the driver didn’t even slow down before hitting into the overpass. The overpass bans buses and other commercial vehicles from...

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