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paraplegia injury attorney Tag

Brachial Plexus Injury Lawyers Settle Difficult Case Before Trial for $525,000.00

At a private mediation, the brachial plexus injury lawyers at Frekhtman & Associates negotiated a settlement on behalf of an injured client for over half a million dollars. Emily Costanza was a paraplegic confined to a wheelchair who was further injured when her home attendant moved her from a stool into her wheelchair. Plaintiff alleged that defendant lifted her improperly with defendant’s hand slipping from plaintiff’s hip up to her rib cage and arm pit area. This improper transfer caused a brachial plexus injury. Ms. Costanza was previously confined to a wheelchair due to her medical condition of paralysis from...

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Tips from a Paraplegia Injury Lawyer

It's a worst case scenario for many - you wake up after a severe accident or injury to find that you have limited movement in your legs or cannot move them at all. The doctor states that you may never walk again, let alone play ball with your kid, bicycle in the summer, or for many, even work. Injury-related paraplegia not only affects your physical ability to perform tasks but also your mental ability. Depression and anxiety will cause you to feel hopeless or powerless to perform routine tasks or even fight for your fair settlement. Therefore, here are some tips...

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