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A Good Accident Lawyer is Prepared for Anything

A Good Accident Lawyer is Prepared for Anything

columbia university lawyer

A Good Accident Lawyer is Prepared for Anything: Years Later, University Accuses Ceiling Collapse Victim of Faking Injury Years Later.

Say you were in a serious accident and lucky enough to come out of it without any lasting damage. That’s something to be grateful for.

…For the most part.

Unfortunately, full recovery or no lasting evidence of harm can also be used against you. In June 2014, the New York Post reported on Columbia University’s attempt to argue that

“a former student’s post-graduate success is proof that she wasn’t badly injured when a dorm-room ceiling collapsed on her head.”

The dorm room referred to has had four Department of Housing violations dating back to 2004. The ceiling collapse occurred in 2010, and Veronica Cuozo, the student effected, filed a lawsuit in 2011.

This year, the Columbia alum graduated magna cum laude from Notre Dame Law School.

Columbia Lawyer, Eric Strober, cast a shadow over  Ms. Cuozo’s accomplishment. He claims that her academic success signals that she was faking the injuries caused by the ceiling collapse.

He makes this accusation despite the painful headaches Veronica has suffered since the accident.

In a culture as visually stimulated as ours, a lack of visual evidence can hurt a case. What if the ceiling collapse had resulted in a scar or deformity for Ms. Cuozo? Mr. Strober would find it more difficult to suggest faked injuries. Unfortunately, the lack of physical evidence gives Mr. Strober room to make unsubstantiated accusations.

If you have suffered an injury from ceiling collapse and need a reliable accident lawyer, contact us. We’ll be ready for anything thrown our way.