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dog bite claims new york Tag

Update: Police Investigating Subway Pit Bull Attack

This story is an update on the story we posted on earlier today. New details have been released related to this story, so we are bringing you an update. Police are looking into the pit bull attack that occurred on the subway in Lower Manhattan. The attack happened when the dog latched onto a 22-year-old woman’s show. Authorities are looking for the dog’s owner at this time. A witness on the train, TahSyi Kyng, took a video of the incident. He said in the video that, "You should've had your dog in a bag, kennel, muzzle.” The accident occurred at around 4 in the...

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Pit Bull Attacks Woman on Manhattan Subway

In Lower Manhattan on April 25, police are looking for the owner of a pit bull that attacked a woman on the Subway last Friday. The pit bull attached itself to the woman’s foot. The incident happened at around 4 in the evening on Friday after a dispute between the pet owner and a woman. This happened on the downtown 4 train. The incident was recorded by a witness, TahSyi Kyng. He was riding on the train with his girlfriend. In the video, you can see the pit bull latching onto the woman’s shoe and not letting go until the shoe came off....

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