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Medical Malpractice Law Firm in NYC Discuss Unauthorized Sterlizations

We practice in New York, but we pay attention to medical malpractice stories from across the country because we consider it to be part of our duty to stay informed. That explains how we came across the news of the doctor with a long history of medical malpractice accusations who now stands accused of a horrifying practice - sterilizing female inmates at a state prison for women without proper authorization. The 69-year-old doctor worked for the prison until 2011 when he "retired." He was hired as a contract physician immediately after and worked at Valley State until 2012. Between 2006 and 2010, he...

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Linking a Delayed or Misdiagnosis of Colon Cancer to Medical Malpractice

Misdiagnosis of Colon Cancer to Medical Malpractice

Most patients try hard to accurately describe all their health concerns during every medical appointment. This holds true whether it takes place in an office or via a telehealth platform. In fact, many patients often make a list of all their current symptoms prior to such visits, in hopes of obtaining accurate diagnoses. However, when doctors maintain overloaded schedules and fail to listen closely (or run the most appropriate, diagnostic tests), colon cancer can be misdiagnosed. In other cases, the correct diagnosis is so delayed that it becomes much harder to provide adequate treatment to patients. What follows is an overview of...

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Can Surgical Staplers Cause Serious Injuries & Death?

Surgical Staplers Cause Serious Injuries

During the past two years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued news releases, recalls, guidelines and other materials regarding surgical and implantable staples. This has been in response to the very large number of medical device reports (MDRs) that were submitted to the FDA between January 1, 2011 and March 31, 2018. In fact, at least 41,000 MDRs were received by the FDA during that time period (some experts claim that number is far higher). Numerous issues have been raised about the dangers posed to patients by both surgical and implantable staples. Unfortunately, too many patients are still suffering...

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Surgical Stapler Lawsuit

Surgical Stapler Lawsuits What are surgical staplers and staples ? Surgical staplers are medical devices used inside and outside of the body during surgery. For more information, please see the FDA website. Skin staples are medical devices used externally to close wounds during surgery using high tension. Staples are often used for wounds on the scalp or torso of the body. How are surgical staplers used ?  Surgical staplers are used in many different types of surgeries including gastric, gynecologic, thoracic, and other procedures. Staplers can be used externally, for closing wounds as well as internally to secure tissue during an operation. Potential benefits...

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NYC Medical Misdiagnosis Lawyers

New York Medical Misdiagnosis Frekhtman and Associates Delivers Results One of the most common negligence claims in New York involves a medical misdiagnosis. Unfortunately, this can result in increased or prolonged illness, lost wages, and very expensive medical bills as well as genuine pain and suffering for the patient. If this has occurred to you or to a loved one, you need to work with a New York City lawyer experienced in handling cases of misdiagnosis. There are several reasons why you need to contact us as soon as possible. First and foremost, we want to help you know about your rights...

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New York City Hospital Injury Attorney

Legal Representation for Victims of Hospital Errors & Negligence Injuries in hospitals happen for various reasons and sometimes can be very serious. We know because our experienced New York medical malpractice lawyers have worked with many people who sustained an injury at a hospital in Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, or elsewhere in New York. At Frekhtman & Associates, our experienced New York City hospital injury attorneys have dedicated their careers to helping people faced with such serious medical malpractice issues. [table-of-content] How Often Do Hospital Injuries Happen? Research estimates up to 440,000 Americans are dying annually from preventable hospital errors. This puts medical errors as the third...

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Surgical Error Malpractice Lawyer


Legal Representation for Victims of Surgical Errors The number of deaths and injuries due to medical mistakes in the U.S. every year is saddening. There are nearly 100,000 deaths every year due to medical errors in U.S. hospitals. Of all medical mistakes, surgical errors are usually the most serious type. Surgical mistakes happen to more people than we would like to think. A surgical procedure with errors can end with catastrophic consequences. The patients in New York City medical centers are informed about the risks of potential surgeries. They go for surgery as they expect their doctors to be competent and capable...

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