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slip & fall Tag

EP06 S04: Slip Fall Lawyers $525,000 In A Snow & Ice Sidewalk Fall

Trial Stories Podcast

After a two-week trial, a $525,000.00 result in a snow and ice sidewalk slip and fall in Brooklyn New York. [buzzsprout episode='8506406' player='true'] Pick Your Favorite Channel: Apple Podcast | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | RSS Full Transcript: Hi everybody. My name is Arkady Frekhtman and I'm a trial lawyer at the F&A Injury Lawyers here in Brooklyn, New York. Back in New York, our office gave me good news. We had a slip and fall case on snow and ice. And over here, as you can see, there's plenty of snow and a lot of ice, but unfortunately if you fall over...

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New York City Slip & Fall Accident Lawyer

Premises liability usually refers to accidents such as slip and fall, trip and fall, ceiling collapses, and other incidents on sidewalks, inside apartment buildings, and other dwellings. In order to determine whether you may have a viable premises lawsuit, it is important to contact an experienced New York City slip & fall lawyer at (866) ATTY-LAW. Some types of cases are covered under the law and some are not. For example, a trip and fall due to a raised or uneven sidewalk adjoining a large apartment building will most likely be covered under New York’s Administrative Code 7-210 which places responsibility...

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