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Accident Injuries

What To Do If You Had A Trip And Fall Accident

What to do if you had a trip and fall accident

1. If you are injured, call an ambulance from the scene of the accident and go to the hospital. Don't leave the scene. One of the most frequent defenses raised by insurance companies is that the accident did not happen in the manner alleged or in the location alleged. Having an EMS crew arrived at the exact spot you fell and document it in their report will help prevent such arguments by the defendants. 2. Take photographs of your injuries including bruises, scarring, and casts or braces. Take photographs of the location where you fell and the defective condition that caused...

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Injury Lawyers on Caring for the Injured

If someone you know was injured because of a negligent act, you may be suffering along with them. However, here are some tips from injury lawyers on how to best care for the injured. Encourage your loved one to get medical treatment. Treatment not only allows the injured to improve their physical and mental condition, but it also serves to prove their condition's severity. Even though you may not have much money available (especially if the injured was the bread-winner and cannot work), the injured needs to seek treatment to get better and get a fair and equitable settlement. Help the injured with...

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Spinal Cord Accident Injuries Often Lead to Corpectomies or Discectomies


Serious accidents that include motor vehicle collisions, ceiling collapses and major falls at work often cause countless people to suffer spinal cord injuries. Fortunately, many of these patients respond well to conservative treatments like physical therapy, chiropractic care, massage, acupuncture, or epidural steroid injections. However, some patients may always require some form of surgery – such as a corpectomy or discectomy – while trying to heal more fully from their injuries. To help readers better understand what takes place during a corpectomy procedure, some general medical terms and information are shared below. Additional facts are then shared about what often takes...

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Will Motorcycle Accidents Increase Once the Covid19 Pandemic is Over


Despite the major decline in traffic on many New York City streets during the pandemic, serious injury and fatal motorcycle accidents continue. All too often, motor vehicle drivers simply fail to drive cautiously while traveling near motorcycles. And accident investigations reveal that many of the innocent motorcycle accident victims either die on the street or shortly after being transferred to area hospitals. Here is a brief look back at one tragic May 2020 motorcycle accident, followed by a review of the most common injuries sustained by motorcyclists. The article concludes with two lists of critical ways that all vehicle drivers can...

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Adaptive Clothing Can Make Life Easier for the Disabled

Adaptive Clothing Can Make Life Easier for the Disabled

After surviving major accidents and surgeries, many of the newly disabled must address unexpected life challenges. For example, they must find clothes that help minimize their pain and discomfort while dressing each day and trying to increase their mobility. Others disabled people must either search for clothing that will not interfere with their care while bedridden -- or when moving about using wheelchairs or other assistive devices. Should temporarily or permanently disabled adults or children want clothing that also looks fashionable, they will have to look even harder to meet their needs. While many stylish yet adaptive clothes can be a...

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Virtual Reality Therapy Helps the Disabled Improve Their Health

Virtual reality therapy new york

Recreational therapists are currently helping many disabled veterans and other patients by teaching them to use virtual reality “goggles” during treatment sessions. Once people can “see” or virtually experience enjoyable activities, they begin to realize that they can still set new goals for their lives and move forward with greater optimism. General accident victims can also benefit from using this type of equipment Whether you have lost the use of an arm or leg due to a terrible car accident or a bad fall at work, virtual reality (VR) therapy might be able to help you regain some physical skills -- and...

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NYC Commercial Truck Accidents: FAQs, Definitions and Statutes

truck car accident - Frekhtman & Associates Attorneys

Without a doubt, the most dangerous type of vehicle to collide with in an accident is a large commercial truck. Even the smaller ones often weigh far more than the average passenger car that weighs between 3,000 and 4,000 pounds. As might be expected, injured passengers of other vehicles (as well as cyclists, pedestrians and motorcycle riders) often die of their injuries. People who manage to survive accidents with commercial trucks are often left paralyzed – or suffering from traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, spinal cord injuries – or a vast array of other medical problems. While many people improve greatly...

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What Is The Lawsuit Value Of Herniated Disc


A New York City Car Accident Lawyer Explains  What is the personal injury lawsuit value for a herniated disc ? Clients often ask, how much is a herniated disc worth after a car accident case? Well, it really depends on the type of injury that you sustain and the type of medical treatment that you end up getting and the way that the case progresses.  In New York, a herniated disc can be worth just five thousand or ten thousand dollars. How much is a soft tissue injury case with little medical care worth ? If, for example, you as a client sustain...

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Self-Driving Cars Could be Legal Matter

As self-driving cars come closer to being a reality for more people, the legal issues relating to these cars are being talked about more and more. Deadly crashes involving Tesla inc and Uber Technologies vehicles have made this problem very real for lawyers. Many auto industry lawyers gathered this month for a conference about the issue. The American Bar Association also held a conference just a few miles from the scene of a fatal accident involving an Uber test vehicle. The crash has put pressure on the self-driving vehicle industry to make sure that the technologies they are using are safe. It appears...

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Safety Tips for Workers

Construction sites are very dangerous, both for workers and those in the nearby area. By following a few simple tips, construction workers can complete their projects while ensuring everyone is kept safe. Construction workers should make an ongoing effort to attend all safety training programs offered by employers, unions, and other local organizations. These courses and seminars can provide new information on job safety even for those who have taken similar classes before. Workers should also always ensure they are wearing proper safety gear for their job. Steel-toed boots, high-visibility vests, helmets, and harnesses are just a few pieces of equipment construction...

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