EP05 S03: How To Find The Right Attorney For A Personal Injury Trial
New York City Personal Injury Lawyers discuss Ads, Providing Value to Viewers, and Finding the Right Attorney For Your Case.
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Welcome to Trial Stories an informative discussion of civil justice with a focus on the human story. I’m your host. Arkady Frekhtman a New York City trial lawyer passionate about helping serious injury victims and their families.
Find out exactly how we were able to win nearly two million dollars for a young lady who was involved in a UPS truck versus motorcycle crash.
Welcome to Trial Stories an informative discussion of civil justice with a focus on the human story. I’m your host. Arkady Frekhtman a New York City trial lawyer passionate about helping serious injury victims and their families.
Hi everyone, my name is Arkady Frekhtman from the F&A injury law firm here in New York City, and I wanted to talk about the way that YouTube has so many ads for personal injury lawyers, and the personal injury lawyers are always trying to persuade you, right? We have so much experience, contact us today. We’ve won so much money. Oh, you don’t want to go up against those insurance companies alone because they’ll eat you alive, you need me. And I was thinking about it and I was thinking why do all these lawyers have to do such a hard sell? Persuasion and the art of persuasion don’t have to be such a hard sell, right? I’m the best, you have to only hire me.
So I was thinking if I were to tell you and give you value and give you 10 things that you should do after a car crash because I know what you should and shouldn’t do as an experienced attorney who’s been doing this for 20 years. But at the end, if I were to tell you one of the things you should do is call a lawyer, you know what? I’m not going to tell you to call me.
I might not be the best lawyer for you. Just give you that brutal honesty, right? Because what you may really need is you may need a law firm that’s bigger, that has more resources, or you may need somebody who specializes in a particular area of law, like somebody who only works on product liability, that might be more experienced than me because I do product liability but I also do traumatic brain injury cases, or construction cases, and all types of personal injury cases.
So I think that it’s so important for lawyers out there to just give value, and to give value to people, and provide a video explaining what they know. And once they give that value to the community, then people can figure it out on their own and make the decision as to whether they should hire that lawyer or not. So I think that’s the best way. So I really hope we can get rid of all of these crazy personal injury ads.
Have you been injured? You got to call me today. Let me know what you guys think. Okay, and have a great day.
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