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In Case Of Ceiling Collapse, Be Ready to Share All the Damage Details

Ceiling collapse injury lawyer

All residential and business structures are subject to ceiling collapses. Even new buildings can suffer so much severe storm damage that hidden water leaks may eventually work their way down and contribute to excessive mold and ceiling collapses. Of course, tenants living in older buildings with poorly managed plumbing problems remain among the most likely to be injured by this type of premises liability injury. Once you notice a ceiling water spot or see any water pouring down or sliding down the walls, you must ask your apartment manager (or the owner) to immediately fix all related problems. [table-of-content]   Keep regular records of...

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Tenants Can Suffer Serious or Deadly Injuries In Case Of Ceiling Collapses

Ceiling collapse injury lawyer

Every year or two, headlines reveal the devastating and sometimes fatal injuries that New York City residents and others suffer due to roof and ceiling collapses. In many cases, local officials or landlords were aware of the impending dangers. When these events unfold, those harmed can usually bring a personal injury or premises liability lawsuit to recover money to compensate them for their injuries. Our past ceiling or roof collapse clients have been forced to cope with concussions and other major head injuries, damage to their necks and backs, deep lacerations, and various types of bone fractures. While undergoing surgeries, treatments,...

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NYC Building Accident Lawyer

Landlords in New York City have the duty to keep apartment premises safe. In case of any damage, they have to warn tenants about any possible dangers. If any property owner fails to meet the required standard of care, they will be held liable for negligence. Getting injured in an apartment building accident can affect your whole life in the long run. This is especially true if that apartment building was your home. If you or your family member has been a part of an apartment building accident, the first thing you should do is contact a building accident lawyer. Our expert...

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