Do You Need a Commercial Vehicule Lawyer in New York?

If you were hurt in a commercial vehicle accident in New York City or New York State, you could receive help from the car accident lawyers at Frekhtman & Associates. We will work to protect your legal rights.
Commercial vehicles are a broad category that includes garbage trucks, delivery vans, long-bed pickup trucks, and much more. If you’ve been injured in an accident that was caused by the reckless or negligent actions of another person or entity, you could seek compensation for what happened by filing a personal injury claim.
The party responsible for the accident could owe you money for things such as lost wages, medical costs, and physical suffering.
We urge you to contact a personal injury lawyer to determine your eligibility and what you should do next regarding your claim. Victims of car accidents have legal rights, and, if the accident was caused by another person, you deserve compensation for your injuries and the financial burden they have placed on your life.
If you’ve been injured and are wondering about a claim in New York, call Frekhtman & Associates today at (212) 222-1111. We are happy to talk to you.
In New York City, businesses use commercial vehicles on a daily basis. Various types of commercial or business vehicles include Cars. Examples include small cars used by pizza delivery drivers or other restaurants. Buses or vans. Examples include food delivery, plumbers, and other customer businesses.
Box trucks which are small trucks used by supermarkets, cleaning product stores, wholesale vendors, or business to business suppliers among others.
Garbage or dump trucks are used by the City of New York as well as private sanitation and carting companies.
Tow Truck Accidents in New York City
Construction vehicles including tractor trailers, vans, trucks, and vehicles used by subcontractors like electricians, plumbers, carpenters, or smaller general contractors UPS, Federal Express (Fed Ex), and other delivery vehicles Taxicabs including yellow cabs, black cars, limousines, vans, and other TLC vehicles
When an employee is driving a company vehicle on the job, the company may be liable under a theory of vicarious liability or respondeat superior.
Often you will see the company logo, address, and phone number painted on the side or back of the vehicle indicating it is a commercial or company car. Sometimes a private car may be owned by a business such as an accountant driving a car owned by a large accounting firm where he or she works.
A commercial vehicle accident can result in devastating injuries due to the large size of these vehicles and the hectic commercial environment where every minute counts.
Frekhtman & Associates is a New York law firm specializing in truck, van, bus, and other commercial vehicle accidents in the Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, and Brooklyn. We thoroughly investigate and prepare each case for trial which has allowed us to achieve consistent multi million dollar results. Contact us for a free consultation.
If you’ve been injured and are wondering about a claim in New York, call Frekhtman & Associates today at (212) 222-1111. We are happy to talk to you.