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traumatic brain injury Tag

NY Brain Injury Lawyer examines recent research to see how parents can improve long-term outcomes for a child’s brain injury

Tbi lawyer bronx

Children suffer traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) for a variety of reasons. Vehicular accidents fall, and sports are among the major causes, resulting in anything from a mild concussion to severe brain damage explains a New York brain injury lawyer at the F&A accident law firm. The Brain Injury Association of America points out that infants, toddlers, and older teenagers are especially at risk; furthermore, among children 14 years and younger, TBIs necessitate hundreds of thousands of emergency room visits and tens of thousands of hospitalizations each year. In the aftermath of a child's TBI, the primary concern parents generally have is how...

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How To Recognize Traumatic Brain Injuries in Young Children and Teens

How To Recognize Traumatic Brain Injuries in Young Children

Whether they are toddlers or teens, it can be difficult to tell when children have suffered a serious head or brain injuries if they are not crying or complaining. Far too often, small children and teens just think they are feeling a bit odd – and have no idea that they should either obtain immediate medical help or lie down and rest for an extended period. All this puts extra pressure on parents, teachers, and other caregivers to carefully observe and get help for any child with visible problems. Yet until children reach school age, (unless they are undergoing routine medical...

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Evidence in Brooklyn Traumatic Brain Injury Cases

When someone suffers a severe injury to the head, they may incur a traumatic brain injury. These types of injuries are often extensive and may result in a significant change in a person's quality of life. To establish both a compelling and credible legal argument, an injured individual or a family member should reach out to an attorney who could explain the different types of evidence in Brooklyn traumatic brain injury cases. Retaining a qualified traumatic brain injury lawyer could substantially help an injured person fight for fair compensation from a negligent party. If you or a loved one suffered...

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Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms

Traumatic brain injury is a common result of a serious accident. A brain injury if also very often missed by busy hospital staff who do not take the time to do a deep dive into a patient’s symptoms. It is also frequently missed by attorneys who handle a large volume of cases using a template format, for example in car crashes. What are the signs and symptoms we have to look at in order to determine if an individual is at a greater risk of brain damage after an accident? The cause of brain injury could be a motor vehicle crash,...

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Damages in New York City Brain Injury Cases

Those who haven’t suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) often assume that the most difficult problems survivors must confront occur right after their accidents as they undergo surgeries and different treatments prior to completing rehabilitation programs. Yet reality shows that many TBI patients wind up struggling with their injuries for the rest of their lives. In most cases, traumatic brain injuries develop after a person endures some type of blow, jolt or bump to the head that disrupts normal brain functioning. While these events may only last a few seconds, the damage is often extensive. In fact, Centers for Disease Control...

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New York City Brain Injury Diagnostic Testing

There are a number of diagnostic tests that can help doctors pinpoint the location of a brain injury for prognosis and treatment. One valuable type of imaging scan is a SPECT or PET-SCAN which shows a traumatic brain injury in color. PET Scan PET Scan is short for positron emission tomography. In the U.S., close to 2 million people suffer a brain injury each year with up to eighty five percent of all injuries being classified as mild TBI. However, a conventional MRI cannot diagnose mild TBI as it is simply insensitive to this injury. A PET SCAN is a functional imaging...

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An Attorney for Traumatic Brain Injuries

Of course, you cannot put a price on a human being. While all injuries experienced on a job are unacceptable, some of them are devastating and leave an imprint on the victim and their families forever. Forever is certainly a long time to mourn, remember what was, or pay medical expenses. Now, what constitutes extreme injury? Certainly, broken bones deserve compensation, but what about an injury that can take your entire life away without even killing you? Brain injuries can take a whole person and leave them empty. They are the most difficult to treat and are often the most expensive...

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