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Ladder Safety On Construction Site In New York City Faqs

While multiple factors play a role in construction site ladder accidents, two of the most common ones involve poor placement of the ladder and workers reaching away for tools and materials. However, many workers suffer serious or fatal injuries because their employers provide them with the wrong types of ladders for the tasks being assigned. Construction site employers must provide all workers with proper ladder safety and fall protection training. Although staircase falls are the most numerous each year, the second most frequent type falls off ladders in the workplace. The following information notes critical ways that employers and workers can minimize dangers...

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Bronx Slip and Fall Accident Law Firm

construction lawyer new york

Each year, roughly one million emergency room trips are made in New York and elsewhere in America due to serious indoor fall accidents. Countless other fall injuries occur annually in many outdoor settings like construction sites. Since injured plaintiffs often suffer traumatic brain injuries, major bone fractures, paralysis, and serious spinal cord damage, it is crucial for all of us to try and prevent these types of accidents from occurring in the first place. What follows is a look at the specific places where these types of injuries often happen and the type of legal evidence your Bronx slip and...

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EP05 S04: What Can I Do If My Lawyer Never Calls Me Back?

Trial Stories Podcast

What Can I Do If My Lawyer Never Calls Me Back ? This Trial Stories episode answers common questions such as: What can I do if my lawyer does not return my phone calls? break down in client & lawyer communication How can I hire a new lawyer? How can I change my lawyer? How will my lawyers get paid? Will I owe more money if I have more than one lawyer? How is the legal fee paid? Why is it important to communicate with my attorney? What is a consent to change attorney aka substitution of attorney? Who decides how...

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EP04 S04: How Drones Can Improve Construction Worker Safety

Trial Stories Podcast

Improving Construction Site Safety with Drones & Other High-Tech Devices Fortunately, new technologies are now available that can lower the number of serious accidents on construction sites and improve productivity. [buzzsprout episode='8377674' player='true'] Pick Your Favorite Channel: Apple Podcast | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | RSS Full Transcript: Hi everybody. My name is Arkady Frekhtman and I'm a trial lawyer at the F&A Injury Lawyers here in Brooklyn, New York. One of the questions we get asked is: how can we improve the safety of workers at a construction site? What else can we do to make workers as safe as possible? Well, one...

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What happens in case of a commercial car collisions & vehicle accidents during work hours


Many workers often find themselves being asked to drive a company car or their own vehicle while handling employer tasks or errands. Bronx commercial vehicles include Amazon trucks, UPS trucks, 18 wheeler semi-trucks, box trucks, local company vans, and even small cars driven by workers while in the course and scope of their employment. While most of these trips turn out fine, others end in serious and costly accidents. Who should cover the cost of paying your medical bills if you are injured – or if you injure others? Whose insurance policy should cover all the property damage, loss of earnings,...

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How to Minimize Construction Site Dangers During the Pandemic In New York

Construction accident lawyer New York

Now that we know that the COVID-19 pandemic will be around for another year or two, we must make sure that all construction site employers follow the best safety guidelines. To help meet this challenge, OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has created detailed workplace recommendations. Since these guidelines are rather comprehensive, it will help to review them based on each of the specific construction safety topics they address. Both employers and workers must alter many past work practices to keep everyone safe from COVID-19 and regular construction site dangers. Subjects addressed include the need to create multiple teams and shifts,...

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Safety Tips for Workers

Construction sites are very dangerous, both for workers and those in the nearby area. By following a few simple tips, construction workers can complete their projects while ensuring everyone is kept safe. Construction workers should make an ongoing effort to attend all safety training programs offered by employers, unions, and other local organizations. These courses and seminars can provide new information on job safety even for those who have taken similar classes before. Workers should also always ensure they are wearing proper safety gear for their job. Steel-toed boots, high-visibility vests, helmets, and harnesses are just a few pieces of equipment construction...

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