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Average Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Settlement Values

Kneed injury lawyers

Possible Case Values for Clients Who May Require Arthroscopic Knee Surgery In our extensive research, we have discovered that average arthroscopic knee surgery settlements display a noteworthy range, varying from below $30,000 to surpassing $2,500,000. This wide spectrum underscores the significance of individual case factors in determining compensation values. Amounts between $120,000 to $250,000 can also occur when a child is hit by a vehicle or when an adult suffers a terrible slip-and-fall injury that leads to a total knee replacement.  When our firm first meets with new clients, our lawyers always explain that it can be very difficult to provide early...

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New York City Medication Error Attorney

Legal Representation for Victims of Medication Errors Doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and other medical professionals receive many years of training to properly administer medication to their patients. When these medical professionals make a mistake, the medication errors may cause serious injuries or even death. At Frekhtman & Associates, our experienced New York City medication error attorneys have dedicated their careers to helping people faced with such serious medical malpractice issues. [table-of-content] How Often Do Medication Errors Happen? Clinicians have access to a huge array of more than 10,000 prescription medications, and nearly one-third of adults in the United States take 5 or more medications. This has...

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Spinal Fusion Settlements & Lawsuits

Spinal Fusion Settlements & Lawsuits

If your treating physician recommends spinal fusion surgery for your cervical or lumbar spine injury, you may be wondering what impact this back surgery will have on the value of your personal injury lawsuit. Cervical or lumbar fusion surgery dramatically increase what an injury lawsuit may be worth.  After all, when people have surgery, medical complications often occur and there may be a lengthy period of rehabilitation. Patients must also cope with considerable pain due to these operations, even when their doctors say they were successful. And injured parties can also lose significant earnings while completing all recommended forms of treatment. Besides...

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