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Accident Injuries

Tractor Trailer Accident Lawyer Discusses Safety Facts about Commercial Trucks

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the total deaths per year in accidents involving large trucks ranged from 4,305 in 1975 to 3,660 in 2014. These fatalities include the occupants of trucks and other types of vehicles, as well as bicyclists and pedestrians. Although the numbers appear somewhat lower in recent years, the difference seems small considering the increasing safety requirements and advances in technology that have occurred over the 39 intervening years. Why have the fatalities been so stubbornly persistent? Here are three contributing factors to this: Tractor-Trailer Rigs Are Meant to Haul Cargo Tractor-trailer rigs are designed to haul...

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Automobile Accident Lawyers Discuss Wrong-way Driving Incident on Freeway

NYC automobile accident lawyers at F&A Injury Law Firm discuss a serious car accident involving a fiery two-car crash which occurred on Interstate 95 after a motorist allegedly traveled the wrong way on the freeway over the weekend. Vehicle Catches Fire Authorities in Milford, Connecticut, say that the motorist was southbound in the northbound lanes near exit 36 at about 2:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 16, when the accident happened. The engine compartment of one of the vehicles caught fire, but first responders were successful in quickly extinguishing the flames, according to a report by CBS Connecticut. Extrication Required Emergency personnel had to extricate...

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Accident Lawyer Discusses Complex Accident Scene on the Whitestone Expressway

It is possible that alleged drunken driving initiated events on the Whitestone Expressway that left two people seriously injured. Friend Arrives to Help Stranded Friend The New York Daily News reports that a 22-year-old female motorist from Lindenhurst allegedly crashed her 2014 Nissan at about 5 a.m. on Saturday, March 12. Her disabled vehicle ended up on the right shoulder. Rather than call 911 for help, authorities said she called a friend to come help her. Her female friend arrived in a 2015 Dodge minutes later. An off-duty, 34-year-old male EMT in a 2008 Chevrolet also stopped to assist. Woman Plunges off Overpass As...

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Automobile Accident Lawyers Discuss Head-on Crash in New Jersey

Brooklyn car accident image courtesy nyc lawyers at Frekhtman & Associates

On March 15, at about 12:30 p.m., a head-on collision in Old Bridge, New Jersey, resulted in a loss of life. Car Crosses Into Oncoming Lanes Law enforcement states that a 45-year-old male from Howell was driving a Ford Escape southbound on Route 9 when he crossed into oncoming traffic. His vehicle struck a Honda Accord driven by a 37-year-old Freehold woman. Neither motorist survived the crash, and a passenger in the Honda also died. CBS News New York reported that emergency personnel transported two other passengers to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. The nature of their injuries was not immediately known. Onlookers Try...

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Accident Lawyer Provides Tips for Avoiding a Collision with a Motorcycle


According to the Insurance Information Institute, in 2013, 88,000 motorcyclists were injured and 4,668 people died in motorcycle crashes. Motorcycles do not provide the same protection as cars, so motorcyclists who are involved in an accident are much more likely to die or be injured than car occupants. With spring around the corner, accident lawyer, Frekhtman & Associates, is providing tips for avoiding a collision with a motorcycle. Look Twice The slogan "Look Twice Save a Life" is helpful to remember. If you are about to make a turn or switch lanes, take the extra second to look twice. Motorcycles are not as...

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Automobile Accident Lawyers Can Enhance your Own Driving Strategy

Auto Accident

Let's face it, automobile accident lawyers can be your best friend when you need proper medical care and compensation for an accident. But increased awareness of road realities can enhance your options even if an accident occurs. Do you have a good perception of your role on the road? Being a driver involves diverse functions. Review the following eight points with the objective of enhancing beneficial physical, emotional, and mental skills. Study your local laws carefully, and keep up with any changes when the legislature is session. If you have recently moved to a different area of the country, or if you are driving...

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Automobile Accident Lawyers Discuss Long Island Wrong-way Motorist

A quick-thinking police officer minimized the potential impact of an alleged wrong-way driver on the eastbound Sunrise Highway. Report of Wrong-way Driver Police say that the incident occurred at about 3 a.m. on Thursday, January 28, after a 911 call came in regarding a vehicle going the wrong way. A dispatcher sent an officer to the scene, where a 2012 Ford mini-van appeared in front of his eastbound squad car east of Nicolls Road in Patchogue. The officer immediately performed a slow roll to protect those behind him. However, the approaching van still struck the police vehicle. Both the officer and the 43-year-old...

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Personal Injury Lawyers answer the question "How long will my case take ?"

Personal Injury lawyer new york

One of the most common questions clients ask a personal injury lawyer is “How long will my case take?” Clients ask this before they sign a retainer, they ask this in status calls during the pendency of the litigation, and they ask variations of the same question once their case is already settled (how long will it be until I receive my check?). The answer to this question depends on a multitude of factors many of which are outside of anyone’s control. The amount of time a personal injury case will take depends on: 1) The severity of the injuries. Very serious...

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Pedestrian Knockdown Accident Lawyers Note Serious Injuries to Pedestrians

Police in Stamford, Connecticut, are investigating an accident that left two pedestrians seriously injured on Thursday, January 22. The accident happened at about 3:55 p.m. At the intersection of Square Acre Drive and High Ridge Road. Driver Attempting Left Turn A police press release states that a 35-year-old Stamford man was making a left turn to southbound High Ridge Road from the High Ridge Center when his 2015 Audi struck two people attempting to cross the street. Emergency personnel from Stamford EMS transported a 57-year-old woman and a 55-year-old man to Stamford Hospital, according to the Stamford Advocate. There was no immediate update...

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Are Pedestrian Knockdown Accidents Avoidable?

Traffic fatalities in general have been slowly dropping over the years, but the number of pedestrians killed by cars has been increasing. In 2012, 4,743 pedestrians were struck and killed by cars. It's unclear why the number of pedestrians killed by cars has been increasing, but it is possible that campaigns encouraging people to get out and walk may be partly to blame. More people out walking means there are more pedestrians available to be hit. In the past, most efforts to reduce pedestrian-car collisions revolved around encouraging people to be careful when walking. Look both ways before crossing the road,...

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